The similarities are truly wild. Also, your English is quite good! Am I correct in saying characters can go across water? Can we purchase Scythe and Invaders from Afar from you or only from distributors? I hope you enjoy it. I agree that the extras are quite fragmented, though the idea is it lets people pick exactly what they want (and not what they don’t want). I have amazing quests to go on and incredible encounters to navigate. There are some minor typos fixed in the rulebook, but no mechanical changes. But today we’ve run into this goal (Accumulate a wealth of 20 coins) and suddenly we realized that we don’t know what to do ;). Hi Jamey, and congrats for your work, will the promo packs be printed in french too ? Will the second edition be available for preorder anywhere? I see that most (of not all) of your products state that they are shipped out from St. Louis and take roughly 2 weeks for delivery. Yanik: Thanks for sharing! Need more convincing, but I will certainly be there for the campaign launch, and that’s what a campaign is all about! We’re talking about Scythe update #16 regarding coin colors. Ryan: You can buy Scythe from retailers worldwide. If a retail customer opens an expansion box to discover 2 new power dials, they might wonder if they should have gotten 5 in the original game. Yay! Simon. Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für Käufer. oh, and what’s the size of the main board and each player board? You can sign up to be notified when it’s back in stock here: Is that a different edition? First off, having 1/3 of the Factory cards locked into Kickstarter only (or ordering them separately) is total BS. You must control 5 of the 6 territories surrounding that territory. Dawn: Thanks for your question. Perfect for a few players. How do you count a factory controlled by Automa at the end of the game? Christian: I’m the publisher, so I’m a bit biased when I say yes. first thx for your fast reply, 2nd sry for this stupid question but is it hard to read and heavy on text. Be sure to sign up for a back in stock notification if you’re interested. For me it started with Space alert and it’s optional ongoing campaign and characters evolutions, then was followed up by Risk Legacy, now Pandemy Legacy, one day with Sea fall. I just bought the invaders from afar expansion, wich is also the first expansion i’ve bought. Things aren't always what they seem. Is there any plan to have this game in Spanish? Could you elaborate a bit in this, maybe in a blog post? this is great, steam bipedal war machines in between wars time. Hello I am sorry i am not sure how else to contact you but i ran into an issue with the Scythe game that was shipped to me. The UK should get the fourth printing next week. what?…. I’m like you in terms of game variety, so it’s really neat to hear that you have fun playing multiple games of Scythe in a row. A simple house rule might be to start the game at a randomly choosen geographical location, but it might mess up a bit the balance of the game…. However, we have a new French partner, and they should be able to sell in Canada in a few months. Laurent: Thanks for your question! I love the look of this game! So is there a expansion Wich increases player interaction and combat? Thanks for the list you linked above, got to get it all, haha! Simon, Hi Jamey. Do you have an idea who will be selling in Europe if not you directly? If you *do* interact with them, then I really can’t understand why you only offer retailer pricing on bulk orders. Jakub is clearly the perfect choice to illustrate this world (I feel like the term ‘Illumination’ should be used instead here, like the illuminations in medieval books, Jakub is illuminating an amazing concept). :). While I don’t know the colors of the artwork, the colors for the plastic we use for the miniatures is as follows: • Bear: White This is testimony, I think, to a game which is easy to pick up with layer after layer of complexity. I’m really happy you had so much fun with your first play (especially given the playing time–I promise that time will decrease now that you all know the rules and can use the overlapping turn mechanism). Will there be something like realistic buildings available in the future? Hello, I just received scythe for my birthday and am super pumped to play it. Have you checked our retailer locator? The realistic resources (STM608) will be available from Top Shelf Gamer on February 7. just discovered this game on a Youtube review, I don’t get the Meeplesource items, esppecially the 82$ lot for “complete set for scythe” is it the game with 82 pieces? Interested in the game just on the artwork alone. :). Markus: Thanks! For anyone who wants power dials or metal coins, they can get them through Meeplesource when we release them. Good luck with everything Jamey! i’m interested because as an exercise i’d like to see if i can do it faster (taking into account the human-power behind it) Unlike the rules for Tesla, there’s no explanation of what happens when the Desolation array moves into a corner at the board edge. They may have some of the promo cards there too. It will be no bother for him to paint them. I’ve bought SCYTHE and a clan’s Structures is missing, one of the Power Modules is damaged and the box is damaged from the inside. the website still shows the week of January 1st and Meeple Source is sold out of preorders. Still a bit unsure even at that, but if you can find someone good enough to get a really good match of the art style’s it could work. There are also some sites that offer them, like Top Shelf Gamer and Game Trayz. Vlad: I’m a little confused by your question. The more I play it, more becomes it marvelous. Where would we actually go (ie., what site) to actually purchase a copy for the prices you listed above? Excellent game. In addition, can I order a print copy of the rules and card references in Japanese? :), Jamey, both teaser images (this and the one with the Germans) look absolutely gorgeous – what’s not to love about steam powered mechs and war wolves? I havent… :( I just hope that Morning Players havent forgot that we are 8 millions speaking french in Québec and that at least a few of those millions wants a french version of Scythe!!! :). You can subscribe to that to the right below this comment. I’m sorry it’s taken so long, Frank. Or to print more coins, mech miniatures, etc. We’ll ignore the color bars. & thanks for the information. Perhaps if the form was somewhere on ArtStation where the book is sold? Im from STL and missed the kickstarter but saw this being played at Geekway as my introduction to it and would love to get a collectors edition. Are the $5 rusviet and $10 nordic coins the same as included in the regular metal coins set or are they different? I just can’t see many people buying a $130 bundle pack of Scythe accessories and promos that doesn’t even include the game, nor a $200 version of Scythe with the game and all that other stuff. Travis: We can certainly send you a replacement part if you fill out the replacement parts form on our website. Doesn’t mean you have stop offering individual add on, just think a bundle set would appeal to a lot of people and make it simplifer. The power dials are designed so that they completely conceal whether or not a combat card is there. :). In our new Scythe game, we receive two red monuments and no red mine; please advise on process to get the red mine shipped to us. I await your attention. Not the realistic resources. Jean-Francois: Thanks, I’m glad you’re enjoying it! Fantastic! Do you know when the neoprene mat will be available in Europe, especially in Spain? it’d be kind of silly just to own the nice resources and pretend money with no game. When will the next promo be available from BGG? I’m honored that Scythe is at the top of your list right now, and I hope you keep having fun with it. Thanks for making such an awesome looking game! I would love to get on a list if you have one or better yet just buy one now! In Scythe, each player represents a fallen leader attempting to restore their honor and lead their faction to power in Eastern Europa. (in fact, quite the opposite). Thanks for asking. Origins and Dice Tower Awards, so many accolades, and after all the hype, the emergent voice I hear these days with regard to Scythe is “it lives up to all of it.”. Can I purchase a copy? Fenris will likely be on it in early 2019. I was very happy to get a German copy of Scythe (currently there is no more on the market). He has pointed out that all of my main characters (specifically the animals) are clearly smooth bodied whereas most of the others are much more detailed in terms of fur. I can’ wait to receive everything. Check out my answer there:, That was actually my “sore loser” friend. Sorry to keep asking questions, I’ve ordered everything and just wanna know the best card sleeves for this game any recommendations, I haven’t sleeved my cards, but here’s a thread with information (and links to other threads with more information):, Thanks for your reson’s, just another quick one, will the expansion and board expansion be arriving this week as well, If the distributor bought them, the distributor should receive them along with their copies of Scythe. I know you’ve probably had your share of trolls and nay-sayers, and there were probably days when you thought “why bother?” I’d like to thank you for bothering. I guess I will have to wait until the next time you get a shipment. A bunch of retailers will receive a restock of Scythe this week, so it should be a lot easier then. You can mark a combat star in either column, assuming you stick to the rule of only one mark per column per game. That hurts. Yes, we’ve been talking about the possibility of a Scythe Legacy expansion. Hi, when will Scythe (English version) be arriving in Sweden? It depends on where you are and who you ordered them from, but the dates on this page are pretty accurate: The only place I know of that has the art book is Artstation, and Top Shelf Gamer has the realistic resources (I think they just ran out of the first shipment we sent them, but they’re getting more very soon). Thanks! I bought it anyway when I saw it in my local game store, for fear of missing it entirely. Yes, retailers will have more Scythe coins soon. Top Shelf Gamer is also our distributor for the resources, so your local retailer can order the resources directly from Top Shelf Gamer for you. I think battle is cool, but this broken for some fractions. :). Sickle is also a symbol of communism which is reflected in game arts. thats it. What exactly comes in the game that makes it cost $80? We don’t have any custom sleeves. My name is Victoriya and I’m from Russia. If you fill out the replacement parts form on our website, we’ll send them to you: Denis: Can you please contact me at and we’ll figure it out? 8 players would be quite a lot for Scythe (it’s a lot even at 6 or 7). Thanks, Judy. Promo 9: set of seven $50 Togawa metal coins And even Twilight Imperium was only $80 base (and included more high quality board, more cards, more miniatures, more replay-variance, and more other components. I noticed Amazing had a version of scythe availible with KS exclusives and that the estimated delivery date was July. John: Can you show me where Saxony has a maximum of $20? This world is large and very captivating to think about. ie can they use the factory card, then immediately use it again the next turn? The shipping costs from Meeplesource (US) to Europe are prohibitive. Hi, Morning players-site is down. I wanted to get an additional Automa deck now that they are back in stock but realised it would not be fully compatible with the expansion. Interviews, Media, and Promotion Requests,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Finding Your Style and Growing as an Instagram Board Game Content Creator, Price: Secrecy, Flexibility, and Patience. Thanks for the quick reply – sooner even than I saw the notification approval email :-) Just wanted to clarify if what you’re saying is also true of the second batch of Invaders from Afar (which currently lists as in stock without a date, so I wasn’t sure whether “non-US wait 1-4 weeks” still applies), which is actually what I have been asking at my local shops for and forgot to mention in my previous post. Thanks for your time. The things you mentioned here are exactly what I was aiming for. Wikilibros ( es un proyecto de Wikimedia para crear de forma colaborativa libros de texto, tutoriales, manuales de aprendizaje y otros tipos similares de libros que no son de ficción. Then 8 others cards I dont see listed but that seems related to automa, with a grey background. The basic version of this game? Unlike 74 Encounter cards — plenty of variants to use for each game. They tried to adjust the image for print and ran into the same issue as I did. For remote playtesting, I’d recommend signing up as a Stonemaier ambassador. We actually tried to do that in playtesting–at one point, mech abilities were separate from character abilities. Robb: The only date I really have control over is when we ship games from our warehouse (which we did 10-14 days ago), so I can’t be more specific than that. gameboard and thought: this color palette approach would be so fantastic for scythe as well. Crimea Engineering – S to A Rushing with this mat aims for 14 turns but leaves the player with low coin, making it an A tier strategy. Hello! I don’t know exactly, but if you contact Matagot, they should be able to tell you. Also, I’ve been reading your blog since I saw that you do way more than just publish games, and I really appreciate all of the leadership tips you’ve put on there. I have tried pressing them flat under weight, creating bridges with weight on the centers to bend them down, but haven’t been successful in getting them to lay flat. You can buy everything that was in the original Collector’s Edition ala carte from various stores. I only wish I had found out about it in time to be one of the lucky folks to help bring it to life. Are you in Essen maybe @ Spiel? The downloads for all the documents except the base rules are horrible. There is a misprint in the German Rules: Thank you in advance. Thanks! Reply. Hey Nic! Is that true? EVER list!! I’m happy to bring a copy to your group to play sometime when it’s ready. Neither I or our playtesters perceived that as a problem; rather, it was perceived as an asset. As noted on this page, Morning Players will be selling Scythe at Essen. Hey I’m just curious when the game will be available to buy again? The idea being of indeed interacting with other players regularly, without involving fighting. But there are no resource tokens. Scythe Saxony Strategy: Mechs, Mechs, and More Mechs. Buy tickets today! Karell: We were only selling the Collector’s Edition during the Kickstarter campaign, so you can’t buy it now. Since you are a proponent of questions being asked publicly, I wasn’t quite sure the best place to ask this. Encounter cards 43 – 72 are in production? 1 CAD = 0,707 USD according to Paypal. Jon: We offered that during the Kickstarter campaign, but that ended exactly 1 year ago., As an avid fan of Scythe, and someone who will buy any variation/expansion of it, I’d like to request that you look into possibly doing a different standalone game but with the same type of gameplay.