5 speakers will explore applications of Machine Learning from both the business and technical areas of expertise. Following up on our Micro-Summit Series, the TMLS team has organized another evening conference, with a special focus on Machine Learning in Finance. You can find the event website here: https://www.re-work.co/events/deep-learning-summit-toronto-2021 Our top priority is the well-being of our customers, partners, and employees. This virtual research summit brought together researchers and innovators from academia, creators from the gaming industry, Microsoft Research (MSR), and Gaming teams at Microsoft, to share ideas and discuss how AI and machine learning is transforming the landscape of gaming. The summit will welcome over 600 attendees and 60 expert speakers, offering 12+ hours of unrivalled networking opportunities. Speaker Application Deadline: 08/01/2020. Microsoft builds its deep learning platform using tons of FPGAs in its Azure to support real-time deep learning services. API DAY - NORTH AMERICA. Geoffrey Hinton, one of the fathers of Deep Learning, will be back to share his most recent and cutting-edge research progressions, and will be joined by other top researchers. DIGITAL MARKETING SUMMIT. Please contact hello@re-work.co for assistance. Deep Learning Summit, Toronto featuring Geoff Hinton – save with KDnuggets - May 29, 2018. ... Kuber is a certified instructor with NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute, and has co-organised three editions of the International Workshop on Evolutionary Rule-based Machine Learning. After welcoming the pioneers of AI, Yoshua Bengio, Yann LeCunn and Geoffrey Hinton to the Deep Learning Summit in Montreal last October, RE-WORK are returning to Canada for the second year running. Discover advances in deep learning algorithms, methods and tools from world renowned researchers and pioneers, as well as real-world applications from industry leaders. Deep Learning Summit, Toronto. October 25th–26th, 2018; Canada; This event is in the past. 30 , August , 2019 - Toronto. RE•WORK’s Deep Learning Summit is taking place in Toronto on October 25th and 26th. Global leaders in the field will address how industry leaders and start-ups are applying deep learning techniques across industry and society. Thank you for your interest in the AWS Summit Toronto. The Virtual Higher Education Summit 2020 (#HES2020) took place from 31 August – 2 September 2020.The international event addressed the question “How can we assure quality and transformative learning for sustainable development?” and was co-organised by the COPERNICUS … RE•WORK Deep Learning Summit - Toronto We were proud to attend the RE•WORK Deep Learning Summit which was held in Toronto on October 24- 25, 2018. Toronto Machine Learning Summit. MACHINE LEARNING AND DEEP LEARNING SUMMIT. AI for Government Summit, Toronto 2018 has 10 exhibitors including Alegion, Algorithmia, and CBC. Unfortunately, this Summit has been postponed to 2021. Engage, Learn and Share at the Microsoft AI and Gaming Research Summit 2021. Read more. We sincerely appreciate your interest and we are thrilled with the response from our customers. deep learning and the connection to stem integration michael fullan professor emeritus, oise/ university of toronto keynote ge summit: building a stem leadership alliance july 9, 2018 In 2015 I designed and was the primary instructor for the first deep learning class Stanford - CS 231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition ️. This series discusses how Zynga uses deep reinforcement learning in production to personalize user experiences in our games. Alegion Alegion’s platform blends human and machine intelligence to provide accurate labeled data used to train or validate machine learning models. DAVID SCHARBACH, TORONTO MACHINE LEARNING SUMMIT DR. OZGE YELOGLU, MICROSOFT CANADA. Press Release: RE•WORK : Deep Learning Summit Toronto: Discover the Latest Advancements and Business Applications from Google, Apple, Deep Genomics, University of Toronto & More RE•WORK's world-famous Deep Learning Summit is returning to Canada, this time to Toronto on October 25 - 26, with the addition of a new AI for Government track. By the power of Tito. ReWork Deep Learning Summit, San Francisco, January 2019 ; Keynote talk 14TH International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs at KDD, London, August 2018 ; Keynote talk Deep Learning for Low-Resource NLP at ACL, Melbourne, July 2018 ; Invited talk on Neural Structured Learning for Language and Vision SoCal NLP Symposium, Irvine, April 2018 NOTE: This is an online event, once you purchase a ticket the live video link will be shared. The Deep Learning Summit is returning to Toronto from October 25 – 26, 2018 and will cover the latest advancements in deep learning technology. Deep Learning Summit Torontoは、ディープラーニングの最新の技術研究の進展と実社会への応用のギャップを埋めるための議論を提供し、ビジネスと社会への導入を推進するためのするプラットフォーム … August 31, 2018. Sign up for updates. Accelerate 2021: Data Analytics Summit . In this first article, we will: Give an introduction to deep reinforcement learning; Explain why it is a good candidate for powering personalization systems Geoffrey Hinton, Professor at University of Toronto will be back to share his most recent and cutting-edge research progressions, and we'll also be joined by the following global AI experts: For example, Summit, a supercomputer from IBM for Oak Ridge National Laboratory, contains 27,648 Nvidia Tesla V100 cards, which can be used to accelerate deep learning algorithms. This is the second year the summit will be held. If you’re looking to regain momentum and fast-track growth with smarter data, you won’t want to miss Accelerate 2021: Data Analytics Summit, presented by Wavicle DataSolutions, a Databricks Partner. Colocated with RE.WORK’s Toronto Women in AI Dinner and Deep Learning Summit, this event focuses exclusively on AI’s potential to increase efficiency and reduce cost for government services, which makes it an excellent choice for those working in the public sector. Number of Attendees Expected: 250. 10 , September , 2021 - Online (North America) Read more. Preferred Qualifications of the Speaker: Professional Experience with Topic Proposed, Subject Matter Expert. By Mehdi Ben Ayed and Patrick Halina from Zynga’s ML Engineering team.. However, much of the Deep Learning revolution has been limited to the Cloud and highly specialized hardware. The class became one of the largest at Stanford and has grown from 150 enrolled in 2015 to 330 students in 2016, and 750 students in 2017. Name * Email Address. Toronto Machine Learning Summit November 2018 CIFAR Deep Learning Summer School July 2018 University of Oxford, Robotics Research Group July 2018 Microsoft Research Cambridge July 2018 Google Deepmind July 2018 ICML Workshop on Credit Assignment in Reinforcement Learning July 2018 Google Brain, San Francisco June 2018 Deep Learning Summit, Toronto has 7 exhibitors including Alegion, Algorithmia, and Intuitive AI. Educational Videos: Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, etc. The theme of this year’s summit was to “look at opportunities for bridging the gap between the latest technological research advancements and real world applications in business and society”. DreamerV2 is the first world model that enables learning successful behaviors with human-level performance on the well-established and competitive Atari benchmark. The Toronto Machine Learning Summit (TMLS) ... Conversational and Multimodal AI. Deep Learning Summit, Toronto 2018. ***LATEST UPDATES: Materials from the HES2020 are available in the LOGIN area to registered participants. Read more. Toronto Machine Learning Summit, 2019. 30 , August , 2019 - Toronto. 07 , October , 2021 - Online (North America) ... AGILE TESTING & TEST AUTOMATION SUMMIT. TORONTO (PRWEB) October 02, 2018 -- RE•WORK's world-famous Deep Learning Summit is returning to Canada, this time to Toronto on October 25 - 26, with the addition of a new AI for Government track. Alegion Alegion’s platform blends human and machine intelligence to provide accurate labeled data used to train or validate machine learning models. These days, deep learning is all the rage. RE•WORK's Toronto summits are just around the corner - watch this video to find out what you can expect. This story originally appeared at Maclean’s.. Toronto – Canada Meeting 2021 ReWork Deep Learning Summit. Error: please reset date. by Event Guest August 31, 2018. It’s based on our presentations at Spark Summit and the Toronto ML Summit.. He is currently a Senior Data Scientist at RBC. Overview Agenda Learning Expo FAQs. Special Details About This Meeting/Audience: Partner Event March 9, 2021 | 9:00 AM CST Virtual Event . Preferred Meeting Topic: Business, Technology, Education.