Therefore we say to God’s faithful saints, in the name of our Lord Jesus, the emphasis of the Holy Spirit today is on our coming to know the power of the resurrection of Jesus and on sharing His sufferings. He hopes to convince the inhabitants of the heavens, and mankind, that God should grant him amnesty. The solution to the sin problem does not consist of going to Heaven. In the hope of entering the Glory of God. Why is love the fulfillment of the Law of Moses? The demon world is filled with quarreling and fighting, whereas God’s holy Presence is filled with peace. The physical body is morally neutral. Until God has reaped His harvest of the Gentiles. The Apostle Paul looked at righteousness as being the marvelous reward Christ will bring with Him when He appears “the second time without sin unto salvation.”. But if we are living “in the flesh,” if we are choosing to emphasize our animal characteristics of eating, playing, working, sleeping, and reproducing, all affected by the uncleanness of sin, and are paying minimal attention to the Spirit of God, then Christ is withering in us; eternal life is withering in us; the resurrection from the dead is withering in us; the way, the truth, and the life are withering in us; salvation is withering in us; the new covenant is withering in us; grace is withering in us (Luke 8:13,14). They are immune because they have been sick and have died with the disease of sin and rebellion. How can we be sure that the Holy Spirit is dwelling in us? Every believer is called to be a saint, called to be righteous, holy, and obedient through the Virtue that is in Christ. 19. 23. We are crucified to the world and the world is crucified to us. He leads them to put to death the sinful actions of their bodies. 20. 35. Men changed God’s Glory into idols fashioned in the image of corruptible man, of birds, of animals, of reptiles. Every person on the earth is guilty before God of wickedness and rebellion. What was the Law of Moses designed to accomplish? To whom is Paul speaking at this point? 46. Salvation consists of much more than a vocal expression of belief in the facts of Christ’s atoning death and triumphant resurrection. Andronicus and Junias, relatives of Paul, who had been in prison with him. To him it is unclean, and if he practices it his conscience will be defiled before the Lord. 13. At His resurrection the hand of God Almighty reached down and opened the massive door of the prison—but just a crack! If we will present our body a holy, living sacrifice to God, the Spirit of God will keep renewing our mind with the heavenly things. Through these he has been given the opportunity to choose to obey God, to enter the crucifixion of his own personality and the resurrection of a new personality, thus attaining righteousness and the resulting eternal life. What did Paul exhort the saints in Rome to do in his behalf? The God of Israel has not given us a simple, easy plan whereby we may attain eternal residence in Paradise. If we think back to Adam and Eve, the answer at once becomes apparent. The olive tree, once the possession of the physical people and land of Israel, passed to a remnant of Jews and Gentiles. This was a perennial complaint of the Lord against Israel. The righteous leap for joy, not for fun, when they are persecuted, because the Glory of the Lord is resting on them and their future is radiant with the hope of immortality in the Presence of the King. Whether you are just beginning your new life with Christ, or have been a Christian for many years, this study guide is for you. The Gospel of salvation always is to the Jew first. 7. 13. Here is the righteousness of God: we are clothed in our own Christ-wrought righteous behavior. As Christ is formed in us, we too enter the rest of God and cease from our own works, seeking God’s will and pleasure in every detail of our life. He always honored God. In the nerves? Paul had gathered a substantial amount of money from the churches of Macedonia and Corinth. Our old nature, our old self, our adamic nature, our first personality. 47. No other book has been as foundational to Christian faith as the book of Romans. Any teaching contrary to this will result only in moral chaos. Paul was stating that because we are under grace we no longer are required to observe the Levitical statutes (the “works” to which he was referring). What must we do to maintain perfect union with Him in His death and resurrection, in practical daily living? We must recognize that this change is an actual, tangible, observable transformation of our personality. If, however, Paul had been maintaining that because we are under grace we no longer are required to crucify the flesh with its lusts and appetites, we no longer are required to observe the eternal moral laws, then most of the New Testament writings, including the Sermon on the Mount, would not be part of the new covenant. He has been researching, writing about, and teaching Romans for decades. However, our unwillingness to recognize the severity of the wrath to come will not alter future history. What a glorious answer to Paul’s cry, “Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?”! A related question is, will the sins of the Christian be judged, or has the believer been released from the consequences of his actions because of his statement of belief in Christ? If being “dead to sin” does not mean we no longer have a desire to sin, or that if we practice sin we are not accountable because we have “died,” then precisely what does the expression signify? How does Paul regard himself? The new covenant is not fulfilled by the fact of our dying and going to Heaven. Whatever He does, we do. 46. Even Paul believed the purpose of studying was to obey! When we are under the Law, sin has dominion over us because the Law points out our guilt but does not deliver us from the bondage of sin. Can you understand the distinction between these two different comparisons: grace compared with the Law of Moses as distinguished from grace compared with the righteous and holy conduct of life? The end result of all of God’s covenants is people who do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. Few men in history have been used by the God of Heaven to a degree equal to that of the Apostle Paul. The authority of Satan was destroyed on the cross of Calvary. fiThe Just Shall Live By Faithfl The Glory of God then will arise upon the holy remnant, for this is the royal priesthood and the first resurrection from the dead. If it is little, then we are to exercise that amount. 3 We must not skip over laboring, thinking, and meditating on Paul’s teachings if … The part of our personality that has not as yet come into actual union with the death and resurrection of Christ is accounted as being righteous because of the principle of the firstfruits. What has the Christian saint received? 24. 15. What conclusion can be drawn from the above passages? Of course the Sermon on the Mount applies full force to the saints of the new covenant! Their souls were dead because the soul is in union with God through the spirit. We are to be transformed into the image of the Lord Jesus so we may prove the will of God in our own life. To the Gentiles, and Rome was a Gentile city. The royal priesthood, the judges of the nations of the earth, will be assigned to the thrones in the air previously occupied by the lords of darkness. What resulted from Adam’s disobedience? The wall that surrounds the new Jerusalem is a symbolic portrayal of the resistance, the immunity to sin possessed by the Bride of the Lamb. Our generation well may be the most spiritually needy of history. If we do not, we will not be glorified in the Day of the Lord. Phoebe lived in Cenchrea, a suburb of Corinth, and was getting ready to sail to Rome. This is because they have not lived a crucified life in the Lord Jesus. God’s requirements are not some fantastically difficult and complicated program beyond the mind of man to conceive. It absolutely is true that all have sinned and have come short of the Glory of God. 12. In the Day when God judges the secrets of men by Christ, just as Paul taught us. Instead of doing what Jesus said, it is enough that we “receive Him by faith.” Then we will be saved “by grace alone.”. It will lead the teacher and the student to certain destruction. Democratic, libertarian thinking is widespread in the earth in the present hour. Many Christians are extremely upset over the practice of abortion. If God had no purpose in a particular spirit He would not have created it. There may be no more intense longing in the heart of the Lord Jesus than for the deliverance of His countrymen, the people of Israel. Denounce it! Do we despise the riches of God’s kindness, forbearance, and patience? If we are serving the Lord in our own wisdom and strength, we are working in the flesh and not in the Spirit of God. He possesses all authority and power in Heaven and on the earth. Enemies, so the Gentiles may have the opportunity to be grafted on the root of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. First of all, does being dead to sin mean we no longer experience any urge to sin or to follow our self-will? What flows forth as an inseparable aspect of sin and rebellion against the Lord God of Heaven? We would like to put away the bad and cling to what we think is good. 32. 27. What is true of each person who believes in Christ? The moment they became conscious of their nakedness they then were naked. Our first personality died with Christ. The teaching that the Christian “will not be here” during the “falling away” (revolt against authority) is refuted by the above verse. When the person fails to conduct himself properly, provision for reconciliation to God has been provided through animal sacrifice. Christ died and rose again two thousand years ago. We can choose to obey righteousness. The reward of righteousness does not come as the gift of God but as the payment for what has been earned. Let us practice evil behavior so good may be produced. When the firstfruits have been perfected in the Lord they will be gathered to Jesus and return with Him to save the nation of Israel. The only time a Christian is to defy authority is when the Spirit of God directs him to do so. It is sighing and travailing in the pangs of childbirth. It is enough for us to know that God works matters according to His own will and program and then holds us accountable for our behavior. Because of the commandments of the Law, what were the coveting and lusting that dwelled in Paul’s physical body able to do? Reading the Book of Romans reminds us of the heart of Christianity: justification through faith in Christ Jesus. Bring the blood of Christ against it. The spiritually dead, those who have not as yet received Jesus, have no such choice. By reaping Christ we are referring to the righteous, holy and obedient behavior that shows forth in us as Christ is being formed in us. Notice God’s sovereign will proclaimed hundreds of years in advance of the birth of the people involved. 5. In what two aspects have we become united with Christ? How did Paul become aware he was coveting and lusting? Grace and peace from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. What does he conclude from this? Best Courses on Romans Mobile Ed: NT331 Book Study: Paul's Letter to the Romans (10 hour course) Paul’s epistle to the Romans is one of the most important theological treatises ever written. What is true of the nations who, although they do not possess a knowledge of God’s Law, practice by their instincts the deeds that God’s Law declares to be righteous? What is true of the person who attempts to attain righteousness by keeping the works of the Law? By the Prophets of Israel, as recorded in the Old Testament Scriptures. This shall be a death wound, a shaft in the heart, a striking off of the head, a destroying of root and branch, a purging from the earth of the thought, the motive, the imagination, the attitude, the word, the deed, the very memory of sin and rebellion against the most high God. The best Romans commentaries are listed below. If some of the branches (Israelites) of the holy olive tree were broken off, and we Gentiles, being branches from a wild olive tree, were grafted in among the natural branches and have become partakers with the natural branches of the root and the richness of the holy olive tree, what attitude should we then take toward the former branches? The Scriptures teach clearly and directly that each believer will be revealed before the Judgment Seat of Christ and will give an answer for his behavior in his body. The “Laodicean” spirit that fills the world and the churches today is so occupied with “the rights of people” that it cannot accept all of God’s Word. The current Dispensational teaching is that upon receiving Christ the spiritual laws of cause and effect are done away. The only free individual is the one who is the slave of Christ. You can find the best commentary on Romans for … It is extremely important to keep in mind that God is not creating sons apart from Himself. We will leave it to the reader to search the four Gospel accounts and determine for himself or herself what issues will be raised at the return of the Lord Jesus from Heaven. He no longer is under condemnation because “the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth” (Romans 7:1). Like the torches held high during the ancient feast of Tabernacles, the great Light and the lesser lights will overcome all the darkness oppressing the world. What are the wages of sin? They have mentally assented to the facts of redemption but have not embraced the teachings of the Apostles. Only a spark is needed to start the bonfire. All that we are doing, saying, and thinking is to be proceeding directly from His resurrection life. Pursue and practice hospitality. This was very important because the city of Rome was the center of government of a great empire. But transformation does take place. On the authority of the blood of Christ that was offered on the cross. All sin has its source in Satan. Through grace we receive forgiveness of our sins. To add their prayers to his that he would be delivered from the wrath of the Israelites in Jerusalem who had rejected their Christ, and that the large offering of money he was bringing with him would be acceptable to the poor saints there. There are times when a Christian should rouse himself and begin to demonstrate vital faith in God’s Word. What is true of each of the persons whom God has predestined to be in the image of His Son? Yet they murdered the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 11:17,18 reveals to us that there is only one Israel, one called-out people, one elect of God, one Church. This is all. This is the Kingdom of God. To fall into murderous rages? Romans 1:17 . What spirit gained power over mankind as a result of the offence of Adam? The Lord does not allow us to keep any part of our original personality. The concept of a remnant, of a Gideon’s army drawn from God’s elect, appears in the writings of the Prophets of Israel, and also in the New Testament. 18. Asenath became a member of Israel as truly as if she had been born of Jacob. The purpose of the great tribulation is to perfect the two remnants and to drive them together in the Lord Jesus. If you choose to be loosed, then be loosed! How do people view themselves who do not trust in the Lord? What do we do to our enemy when we give him food, drink, or other assistance? Much depends on our attitude and our words, as well as on our deeds. The more completely we are willing to be fashioned in His death the more completely we will be fashioned in His life. His kindness is so great as to be incomprehensible to us and His severity is so great as to be incomprehensible to us. For the wicked, the coming of salvation will mean outer darkness—or worse! Eternal life is the spiritual life that accompanies our acceptance by God and our union with God through Christ, just as warmth and light accompany the rising of the sun. This means there is a continuing verdict of not guilty proceeding from God, the Judge of the bench of Heaven. When will the nations of the earth be blessed? Index to the Lessons Paul’s letter to the Romans is the one book in the Bible the mastery of which gives a solid framework for organizing God’s whole revelation. The Spirit of God will be poured on the nation of Israel; for the promises of God to Israel never shall be done away. 6. The writer’s conviction is that it does, with the following two provisions: The above two provisions apply to the Christian. 22. The Law brings death but Christ brings eternal, incorruptible life. The goal is righteous behavior with a view toward resurrection to eternal life and a place in God’s Kingdom on the new earth. The return of the Lord Jesus from Heaven is that of an individual who today is seated at the right hand of God Almighty. How does grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life, through Christ our Lord? Many times the question is raised: Was Paul referring, in the seventh chapter of Romans, to a person under the Law of Moses or to a Christian who is being saved by grace? What is true if an individual is objecting to the things he is doing? 19. We will participate in the first resurrection from the dead. In addition the Spirit keeps on giving us the power to refrain from fulfilling the lusts of our flesh. 10. We are called to be saints. Persevere in prayer. The Christian is not to seek revenge. People can receive the pure righteousness of God as His gift, under His conditions, and in the manner and to the extent that satisfies God.